RAB Community Health

RAB Giving - Community Health Fund

At Rush, work to improve equitable access to high-quality physical and mental health care, along with the resources people need to live safe, healthy, fulfilling lives — regardless of their zip code — is at our core.

Our very mission is to improve the health of the individuals and diverse communities we serve.

By advancing health equity, we will improve healthcare for everyone. We are focused on efforts in the following domains…

  • Patient Care: By delivering care and ensuring its accessibility — not only in our hospitals and clinics but in our community’s schools, homes, shelters and gathering places.
  • Education and Workforce Development: We are partnering with community members to develop healthcare career pathways and hire locally to ensure the diversity of our workforce.
  • Community Engagement: We are increasing our investments in the communities we serve by spending locally, building and strengthening our diverse partnerships with community-based organizations.
  • Research: We partner with community members on research projects that break down barriers to achieving health equity and broadly disseminate key findings to influence public policy.
  • Policy and Advocacy: Rush proudly acts as a convener, partner and advocate to pursue healthcare payment reform and policies at the local, state and federal levels.

Doing what is right in healthcare is not always reimbursable. Much of our health equity work is wholly or partially reliant on philanthropy for success and sustained operations. We invite you to join our mission of improving the lives of the individuals and communities we serve.

To learn more ways to give click here

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