GivingTuesday: REACH

Support Rush University Medical Center

Rush Education and Career Hub (REACH)

Your gift to support Rush Education and Career Hub (REACH) helps build a best-in class future for tomorrow's health care workforce. Your donation improves community health by sparking STEM learning inside and outside the classroom. 

Give now to help RUSH reach it's #GivingTuesday goal to provide innovative, hands-on resources for underrepresented students from cradle to career which will increase diversity in health care and STEM professions.

  • $55: Provides enrichment materials our elementary STEM learning labs
  • $100: Supports one student with uniforms, technology, transportation and food assistance 
  • $250: Provides instructional materials and supplies for one Career Pathways intern
  • $500: Supports one student’s mentoring support and engagement for the year
  • $1,500: Provides one high school student the opportunity to earn an industry-recognized certification and develop skills in the MedSTEM Pathways program
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